
Welcome to the home page of Dr. Scott M. Baker.

This website contains information about me, my hobbies, projects, and other activities. It contains a bit of biographical information and some information on the kind of work that I do.

If you’ve found my site from one of my blog-related Youtube videos, then you can jump right to the most recent blog post, or view the electronics project index.

Many people remember me from the old BBS games that I used to write. The BBS (or Bulletin Board System) was in many ways the predecessor to the Internet. Back in the 1980s, many people would operate a BBS out of their house where other users could call in and write email or play games. I wrote several BBS games that turned out to be quite popular, the most popular of my games being Galactic Warzone and Land of Devastation.

One of my other great hobbies is working on Sand Rails and Dune Buggies. The SandRail page contains information about my various Sandrail-related projects. I’ve built both Mazda-powered and VW-powered Sandrails. My current ‘rail is powered by a fuel-injected turbocharged VW engine. I also have a manx-style buggy.

You can email me at smbaker@smbaker.com.

For those who are wondering if I’m a particular Scott Baker that they might have known, here is some information about me…

  • I was originally born in South Dakota and moved to Tucson, Arizona right around the time I became a teenager.
  • I lived in Tucson for about twenty years, attending high school at Canyon Del Oro High School (class of 1990)
  • I attended the University of Arizona, earning Bachelor’s, Master’s and Ph.D degrees.

I currently have several different jobs. First and foremost, I write and sell Internet-related software. I’ve written a few programs such as website downloaders, password managers, and even aviation utilities. I’m also a software consultant for projects that are network or systems related. I work on Linux device drivers. I also do work with configuration management, software distribution systems, and content distribution systems for Linux. One of my focuses is on computer security, and I typically work on the security aspect of software systems.

My schedule is quite busy, but I am occasionally available for consuliting work on a case-by-case basis.

Comments (15)

  1. Ed kaszuba says:

    I am in the garden railroad hobby and am looking for a variable ac power supply to power my lights outside. I am using a bachmann 18 volt 5 amp supply but it isnt enough to power all the lights. I need to build one that will go up 34 volts ac depending on how many more lights i put out. Can you help me with this?

  2. Daniel Dixon says:

    I really like your Z80 Trainer project. Did you ever get it to work? I would be inerested in buying one in kit form.

  3. John Verban says:

    Hello Scott,

    Just came across your RHB51 page, Are you able to give more information on the RHB51 carbon seal, part numbers/specs/ availability….etc?

    Thank you

  4. Michael says:


    I enjoyed your YouTube video on the building of
    the USB/5 volt module and the 12 volt module. That was very clever to be able to daisy chain them together.

    I looked over your projects over there on the right and did not see the information I really wanted.

    What I would like to know if you would sell me the boards, schematics and parts list to both of these modules?

    Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.

  5. Dan OConnor says:

    I really like the midi jukebox. Would you be willing to make one that I can purchase from you? or some more detailed instruction on how to make one.
    I really think this is one of the most useful things i have ever seen.

  6. István Asztalos says:

    Dear Scott!

    I saw your Office Royal 2000 video on YouTube, and I would like to ask some help from you. I’m a vintage computer fan and collector from Hungary. I have a similar type of daisy printer (that was my first printer in the ’90s) and I want to use it again for a project. Sadly all of my documents for this printer are gone in the past. I looking for some online or downloadable PDF user manual for this printer, to set it up. Could you help me in this situation? Thanks for your help!
    Best regards,

  7. Paul Perriman says:

    Hi Mr. baker. My name is Paul Perriman from Australia. I am studying electronics at our college TAFE although i am now retires sparky. I watched your video on 120vac to 30Vac plus mains supply power supply project. I would like to build one but we have 220 to 245 Vac supply here and i was wondering what type on Variac did you use as it look smaller than any i’ve seen. In Australia we have to install a mains double pole switch isolator on the panel and earth the metal chassis.
    Would you be able to supply me with the make and model of a variac and transformer for the DPM which would suit our conditions please? I have copied your cct diagram.

  8. Ken Burgett says:

    I caught your 3 videos on the CT NGEN box. I loved it.

    I wrote CTOS software from 1982 to 1989, when I left the now Unisys in disgust. CTOS was dying and being replaced by MS-DOS and Unix. Sigh.

    FYI: Matt Sanders was the industrial designer who designed the NGEN. He may have worked on IWS/AWS also, but that was before my time. Say Hello to Joe Altmier, he is a good developer.

  9. Harvey Ginsberg says:

    Hello Dr. Baker. I am here because I saw your video about repairing the land ice treadmill motor. I followed your descriptions and I’m at the point where I need to remove the fan. I am unsure if I have to remove the large center multitoothed piece that is attached to the fan or simply remove the small screw and flat triangular piece it secures before prying the fan off. If I have to remove the center multitoothe piece is there a tool you used to do it? Any help you can provide would be deeply appreciated. If you would be so kind as to respond by email I would also appreciate that.

  10. Joselito Niro says:

    Hello dr. Baker. I’m Joselito Niro from Italy. I enjoyed your youtube video about converting the seeburg wallbox. What about to reply this project? I have a couple of wallboxes from my father collection (rowe-ami, seeburg,rock-ola) and my dream is to rebirth them. Let me know if could be possible. Thanks

  11. TOM Burklin says:

    Came across your web post from youtube. I am retired electronics … what ever … never got my Eng. degree at UT. too much electronic repair work to be done. Now retired, i chasing what ever dream i want now. Bought a Polaris sling shot…. moment of weakness … had bikes from age 14, had to have another ride. I live and breath electronic stuff – even now that i am retired. If its got a tube or transistor in it i have likely worked on something like it in the past. This is perhaps the best web site I have read in years. I love the list of projects. My current biggest project is bringing my Intel MDS230 back to life. About to revive the 8″ disk drives. 8008, brings back memories. our first test system in the factory was intel first processor. Most our stuff back then (multi bus) software was PLM. East texas here got you book marked. If you ever in Tyler you get free coffee on me.

  12. Sreejith says:

    Hi, I am using diskonchip2000 in a woodward cpu 5466-419b. it will boot in this cpu (embedded windows NT; 1985-97 phoenix bios 8/23/01). But when I plug this DOC into the ISA card in another system (award bios), it stops at ‘verifying DMI pool data’ and freezes. By disabling ‘chip select’ and booting from floppy, then re-enabling the DOC, it is detectable at address d800. Could you please advise what could be causing this and is there a way to boot this doc without corrupting data.

  13. Charles Owen Leng says:

    Hello Dr Baker,

    I saw your comment where you say the lost disks for the Trump card have been found

    Have you been able to test them yet?



  14. Tim Radde says:

    I remember trying to put LOD on my BBS back in the mid 90s. I could only ever get it to run locally for me. Never online. Looked like a great game those. I miss those BBS days. Now I am toying with my own breadboard set up of a Z80 system, and just got the RC-2014 kit.

  15. Geoff Hurrell says:

    Hello Dr Baker
    I am interested in making some Seeburg wallbox interfaces for a friend who wants to take outputs from several units to a computer for processing. I am thinking a usb digital i/o module to achieve this.
    I have made one interface and tested it and it works great, as per your video. Now I need to make several more.
    Do you have any suggestions that might help me.
    Good work
    Geoff H

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