In this video, I measure the voltage drop on USB Power Cables using a Power Supply, DC Load, and Multimeter: Motivation When I did my Seeed Studio Fusion PCB Review, I ordered a new board for my Raspberry Pi Midi Jukebox, that featured a 3.5×1.35 barrel jack for power. I like barrel jacks instead of …
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Leia’s LED Clock
In this post, I design and build a LED clock for my daughter: Motivation I had been using a Nixie Tube clock in the baby’s room. As the baby grew older, she not only became mobile, but has also picked up a new hobby, smashing things. As such, the nixie clock had to be replaced …
Read MoreBuilding a Micro 8088 Single Board Computer
In this post, I build a Micro 8088, a new XT compatible single board computer designed by Sergey Kiselev Previously I’ve built the RC-2014, Zeta 2, and Xi 8088, so when this new Micro 8088 design form Sergey Kiselev became available, I jumped at the chance to build this one too. In function, the Micro …
Read More8-Bit ISA EMS Board / Flash Disk Board
In this post, I create an 8-bit ISA board that can be used either as expanded memory (EMS) or as a flash disk: Motivation The motivation for this project came from a Boca Start Card that I owned back in the late 80s or early 90s. The Boca Start Card was one of the first …
Read MorePS2-TTLSerial Adapter for RC2014 and MIDI
In this post, I build a PS/2 Keyboard to TTLSerial Adapter Motivation The original reason for this project is that I wanted to build a standalone RC2014 with keyboard and display. There is an official RC2014 serial keyboard, but I find it a little inconvenient for my big fingers and poor eyesight. I have plenty …
Read MoreRaspberry Pi Midi Hat / Building a Raspberry Pi Midi Jukebox
In this post, I build a Midi Hat and Jukebox using the Raspberry Pi Motivation I picked up a Roland SC-55 to use with my retrocomputer setup recently, and I figured it would be cool to turn the thing into a standalone midi jukebox, so that no “computer” is required. I also figured this would …
Read MoreVintage MIDI: Roland MT-32, Roland SC-55, HardMPU, and an Xi 8088
In this post, I build a HardMPU board and use it to add midi capability to my Xi 8088 home built PC Background Midi stands for “music instrument digital interface”, and is a relatively simple protocol for controlling musical instruments. A midi controller can be a computer, or a keyboard, a sequencer, or any other …
Read MoreDIY ISA Game Control Adapter with Parallel IO
In the post, I build an ISA Game Control Adapter with some optional Parallel IO. [No video yet; not sure I’m going to do one, but here’s the picture] Motivation My Xi 8088 homebuilt PC is running a little short on slots, so I wanted to combine the functions of a game control adapter and …
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