I ordered some cheap VCO modules from eBay. Only $20, using an MC1648 VCO oscillator chip, and they work from 70Mhz to 200Mhz.
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LM2576 constant voltage / constant current switching power supply
I design an adjustable voltage / adjustable current limit power supply using an LM2576 buck converter. For the current limit function, I use an op-amp to measure the current from a sense resistor, a second op-amp to compare that to a pot, and then feed that signal back into the feedback pin.
Read MoreDIY RF Signal Generator
I build an RF signal generator from an article in Nuts and Volts. I learned many things about RF circuits during this project, and the blog post details some of the lessons.
Read MoreLearning to use the GALI-55 MMIC
I didn’t know what the heck I was doing when I tried to use a GALI-55 MMIC in my RF signal generator. A few basic mistakes led to hours of diagnosing the problem.
Read MoreMy new KG-650 RF Signal Generator
I bought an old tube RF generator on eBay. It works surprising well considering the age of the technology. I use my Rigol scope to view some of the waveforms and play with the RF generator a bit.
Read MoreCreating the ultimate home automation keypad
I wanted a control center mounted to my monitor that I could use for important home automation functions. I build some custom keypads using Cherry MX blue keyswitches and interface them to a Raspberry Pi. I add a VFD display for status info.
Read MoreInterfacing a VFD display to the raspberry pi
I interface a vacuum fluorescent display to a Raspberry Pi.
Read MoreGE iTwinkle 36 LED Christmas light teardown and hacking
The availability of GE35 color effects sets, the ones that have been hacked since 2010, is poor. In this article I tear apart one of the new iTwinkle sets to see if they are compatible with the same hack.
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