A catalog of all my vintage speech synthesizer projects, reviews, and other resources. Lots of stuff on the Votrax SC-01 and the GI SP0256A-AL2.
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80186 16-bit CPU runs MS-DOS on the Heathkit H8 Computer
An 80186 CPU board that turns a Heathkit H8 Vintage Computer into a powerful machine that can run some MS-DOS applications.
Read MoreOlivetti M20 Upgrades, Tips, Tricks, and New Boards
The Olivetti M20 is a vintage computer based on the Z8000 Z-8000 CPU. I show how to upgrade the memory, add a compactflash adapter, add a USB adapter, use the 8086 APB, program in forth, design a speech systhesizer, and play some zork.
Read MoreThe Mini-08 8008 Single Board Computer
The mini-08 is a single board computer based on the Intel 8008 CPU, and 8-bit CPU from the early 1970s that launched the commercial 8-bit computer revolution.
Read More8008 CPU Board for the Heathkit H8 Computer.
8008 CPU Board for the Heathkit H8 Computer. The H8 typically comes with an 8080 CPU board. I decided to go a few years earlier and build an 8008 CPU Board.
Read MoreFANUC PPR (Portable Punch Reader): Paper Tape on RC2014 and Heathkit H8
FANUC PPR Paper Tape Punch and Reader, repaired and modified to use with RC2014 and Heathkit H8 vintage comptuers.
Read MoreSingle Board Bubble Basic Computer, and an RC2014 Bubble Board
Designing a single board computer that supports Bubble Memory, as well as an RC2014 Bubble Memory board.
Read MoreControlling an AKI Teletypesetter Keyboard with a Raspberry Pi
Controlling an AKI Teletypesetter Paper Tape Punch from a Raspberry Pi microcontroller. Vintage punched paper tape project.
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