This post describes my experiences rebuilding an 002 transaxle. I’m going to document the effort as a trial attempt to produce a video that show the rebuild. Everything in this video is from a fresh perspective of someone who has never rebuilt a transaxle before (me!), so if it seems like I don’t know what …
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Auto-dimming Chumby hack
While my chumby has long since died, this page describes my efforts to modify it to add automatic dimming, because the thing was just too damn bright at night.
Read MoreiPad 2 impressions
I got my new iPad 2 the other day, and am just starting to try out a few applications on it. This page will serve as a place to list applications that I find noteworthy and reviews of accessories, etc. Smart Cover The first thing to talk about is the iPad 2 Smart Cover, which …
Read MorepyTivo plugin for sirius satellite radio on Tivo
pyTivo plugin to support Sirius Online Radio Dr. Scott M Baker, Download Link – version 0.1: pytivo-sirius-0.1.tar.gz Limitations – This plugin is extremely beta. Meaning, I got it work well enough that I can listen to “80s on 8” and that’s all that’s really important to me. Things that are known to be broken …
Read MoreHigh voltage power supply
This is the high-voltage power supply that I use to power my dekatron, nixie tube, and geiger counter projects.
Read MorePlasma Speaker
My efforts to construct a plasma speaker, which is basically an electronic arc modulated by a sound source. It all started from an Instructables article I found on the web, and there were several misadventures as I tried to turn it into a workable design.
Read MoreExperimenting with IN-13 bargraph nixie tubes
Why go with some discrete LED bargraph when you can have a continuous Nixie tube bargraph display?
Read MoreRigol DS1052E Oscilloscope
An oscilloscope is one of the handier pieces of equipment that you can have on your workbench, especially if you’re working with circuits that generate any kind of waveform or have any sort of oscillators. For about a decade I’ve had a decent B&K precision 20Mhz analog scope. I felt it was finally time to …
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