The Masterplay was originally a device that allowed Atari 2600 digital joysticks to be used with the Atari 5200. In this post, I describe a masterplay clone that I created. Purpose / Introduction The analog controllers for the Atari 5200 are (in)famous for their poor feel and performance. The analog stick, while a really good …
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Atari 5200 Playstation 2 Dual-shock controller adapter
I already built a nifty handheld controller, and I should be enjoying my retro gaming experiences, but I couldn’t help building something new, so here is a PS2-to-Atari5200 adapter: Purpose This adapter allows you to use a PS2 controller on an Atari 5200 gaming console. The 5200 was notable at the time for its use …
Read MoreHomemade Atari 5200 Analog Controller
I built my own 5200 controller: Purpose There’s several different options you can use for an Atari 5200 controller: The stock controller. It’s non-concentering joystick, mushy fire buttons, and general reliability issues make it kinda suck. The masterplay clone. There are various adapters for using digital joysticks, like the common Atari 2600 stick, on the …
Read MoreScott’s Z80SBC: Z80 Single Board Computer
I always wanted to build a single board “trainer style” computer: Motivation When I was first getting started with electronics, wanted a Heathkit ET-3400 Microproccessor trainer, but could never afford one at the time. Eventually both I and the world moved on, to fancier more capable computers. However, I’ve still always wished I had an …
Read MorePi-Powered Atari 5200 Multi-ROM Cartridge (MultiCart)
Tired of buying cartridges for my 5200, I decided to make myself a Multi-ROM Cartridge: Purpose The Atari 5200 is a vintage gaming system from the early 1980s. At the time I owned a 2600, but I always wanted a 5200. Well, in 2018 I finally decided to find one on eBay and buy it. …
Read MoreRaspberry Pi Virtual Floppy for ISA (PC XT/AT) Computers
In this post, I turn a raspberry pi into a virtual storage device for ISA bus computers: Motivation I’m tired of carrying compact flash cards and/or floppies back and forth to my XT computer. I like to do development at my desk using my modern windows PC. While I can certainly use a KVM switch …
Read MoreConverting a Seeburg 3WA Wallbox into a Remote for a Modern Music Player
A couple of videos where I take a ~ 1950s Seeburg 3WA wallbox and convert it into a media player for my homebuilt audio player: Motivation I saw a blog post where someone else converted a Seeburg wallbox, and it set me on my own journey. A bit of background. These Wallboxes were used as …
Read More8-bit ISA DiskOnChip / RTC board
In this post, I create an ISA card that can serve as either a DiskOnChip board, or a RTC, or both: Background DiskOnChip is a series of products manufactured by m-systems in the 90s and 2000s. There are several versions available, from standard 32-pin DIP IC packages, to IDE interface versions. This post is going …
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