Electronics Projects Index

After transitioning to WordPress, I started writing up my newer projects as ‘blog posts’ rather than ‘pages’. Please find below a list of links to every electronics project related blog post:

Comments (11)

  1. Hi,

    I’m interested about this monitor board. Can you let me know how much current will flow when using this Bus Monitor Board ? Can you specify what switching regulator that you replaced with ? Can we just replace the 7805 IC ? Please let me know

    Thank You.

  2. admin says:

    I just measured it this morning. The board added 556ma at 5 VDC to whatever the RC2014 is already drawing.

  3. Jean-Charles says:

    Could you precise exactly (in the schematic) where to add pullups when you use a 74HCT05 for IC1 instead a 74HCT04 ? What is the value ?
    Thank you very much.

  4. Tony Drake says:

    Scott, I received boards from OSHPark for this bus monitor and your single-stepper, and I’ve collected almost all the parts. It looks like you used an electrolytic capacitor between power and ground, labeled C8 in your schematic. What value did you use? It is the only thing left to get for this board, and I’m gettin’ fired up!

    –Tony in Maryland

  5. Mark Riley says:

    Scott, your board designs are generally great but are let down by an incomplete BOM, capacitor and resistor values are important and would certainly be helpful if included either on your schematics or BOMs – preferably both.

  6. Paul Land says:

    Hello Dr Baker.

    I have got 5 of your boards made as OSH park when i was in bed unwell. I have now built my RC2014 and I am buying the components for your boards but I do not know the resistor and capacitor values. I am unable to work it out myself so would it be possible to help me with these values please as I am completely stuck.

    The boards I have are the following;
    rc2014 flash / ram
    RC2014 Floppy- WD37C65 version

    Kind Regards

    Paul Land

  7. Mark Ericksen says:

    I was reviewing a magnified photo of the Bus Monitor Board shown above. I see 74HC05 inverters being used and two dip switches thrown at the same time. So I imagine pull up resistors are being used with the 05’s. Are resistors mounted on the back of the board? What value resistors were used? Would 74HCT05 inverters have worked as well as the 74HC05 inverters?

    Thanks for the help.

    Mark Ericksen
    Clearwater, Florida

  8. Kim says:

    Hi Scott can I have the Gerber file for the bus monitor so I can have the boards made elsewhere.

    I think that Osh park is very expensive.

    Many thanks


  9. admin says:

    I agree, Osh Park does run on the expensive side, but I find the web site fairly convenient to deal with. Osh Park does now have a button which should allow you to download the gerbers.

  10. Manfred says:

    Well, I thought about building a bus monitor. Then from 7447 I came to TIL311 and finally to your project.
    So, nothing to do, just soldering 😉

    But now I have some excess PCBs lying around. Under what license do you publish your projects? Am I allowed to sell my leftover PCBs?


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